Andi is responsible for the development and oversight of the financial planning program at Washington Trust Wealth Management. This best-in-class methodology emphasizes education, collaboration, and continuous support and guidance to help clients make informed decisions about their financial future. Andi’s focus is on leveraging the unique strengths of her team and reviewing and implementing modern planning tools and technology solutions to ensure clients’ financial planning experience is engaging, thorough, relevant, and fun. Andi also serves as a subject matter expert and provides training to the financial planners at Washington Trust Wealth Management.
23 Broad Street, Westerly, RI 02891
Andi has more than 20 years of experience in the financial planning, investments, and wealth management fields, having spent time at several firms located throughout the New England area. Prior to joining Washington Trust, Andi was the Director of Financial Planning at Wingate Wealth Advisors, where she created a comprehensive financial planning experience for the firm’s clients.
Andi is a CFP® practitioner. She holds a bachelor’s degree from Framingham State University and a Certificate in Financial Planning from Boston University.
A Massachusetts resident, Andi served as a Regional Board Member to the Northeast Mid-Atlantic section of National Association of Financial Planners. She is also a Financial Empowerment Volunteer with the WE CAN Corporation.
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